“Dr. Jim’s Bio”
Meet Dr. Jim, Ph.D. – curmudgeon, action-oriented psychotherapist, activist. Intensely mellow and at times eloquently obscene, a healer who comforts the disturbed and disturbs the comfortable. A man of many contrasts. Dr. Jim doesn’t look at the glass as half full NOR as half empty, but rather thinks what he could do with that glass with a good script, good lighting and a wonderful music score!
Whether leading Domestic Violence and Anger Management classes, for men and for women, at his office in Beverly Hills, teaching sociology or criminal justice at Mt. St. Mary’s University in Brentwood, doing a shift as an L.A. Sheriff Volunteer helping to Patrol infamous Sunset Strip or the clubs of West Hollywood, Dr. Jim is an intensely mellow person. Works hard, intense, but able to chill and find peace and mellowness amidst the masses.
Dr. Jim works with entertainers, celebrities, gang bangers, narcissists and the terminally-ill. As the epitome of the classic curmudgeon, he is neither warped nor evil at heart, not hating mankind, just mankind’s absurdities! Sensitive and soft-hearted as the next guy, but hiding his vulnerability beneath a crust of misanthropy. He turns hurt into humor while attacking maudlinism because it devalues genuine sentiment.
As with most Curmudgeons, he can’t compromise his standards and can’t manage the suspension of disbelief necessary for feigned cheerfulness. Yup, he feels sometimes reality is very painful, unfair and unwarranted. His version of the truth may unsettle others, and they may hold it against him, even though he softens it with humor.
Dr. Jim supports people as they struggle to turn their lives around, approaching everyone with a sense of humor, helping them recognize possibilities that their stress and anxiety may have temporarily obscured but now are unhidden. Aiding his clients and the varied audiences he addresses to identify and acknowledge those inner voices that strive to make us more capable, more loving, creative, productive, and successful.
“With guidance and direction,” Dr. Jim says, “we all have the resources and ability to become more aware, to free ourselves, to learn to manage life gracefully and productively in spite of our ‘baggage’.”
Dr. Jim’s background has helped him understand life’s journey so he can help others find their own passions and goals, and cope with the crises that punctuate our lives.
Providing Court Ordered/Approved Domestic Violence – Anger Management Classes since 1985
BHCounseling.com / Anger-Online.com / MSMU.edu
Emotional-Incest.com / BeverlyHillsSelfHelp.com / GriefandLossBeverly Hills.com